Set in the 1960s, high school student Toru Watanabe loses his only friend Kizuki after he commits suicide. Toru, now looking for a new life, enters a university in Tokyo. By chance, Toru meets Kizuki's ex-girlfriend Naoko in the university. They grow close because they both share the same loss. As Toru and Naoko grow even closer, Naoko's sense of loss also grows. After Naoko's 20th birthday, she leaves for a sanitarium in Kyoto. Watanabe, devastated by the situation, meets pure-hearted Midori during the spring semester. Midori looks like a small animal that just came into the world ...
Kenichi Matsuyama as Toru Watanabe
Rinko Kikuchi as Naoko
Kiko Mizuhara as Midori
Reika Kirishima as Reiko Ishida
Eriko Hatsune as Hatsumi
Tech specs
1080p.Blu 720p.Blu 2.46 GB