This film tells the story of professor Uehida Hyakken-sama (1889-1971),in Gotemba, around the forties. He was a university professor until an air raid, when he left to become a writer and has to live in a hut. His mood has hardly changed, not by the change nor by time. Every year his students celebrate his birthday, issuing the question "Mahda kai?" (not yet?),just to hear Uehida-san's answer "Madada yo!" (No, not yet!),in a ritual of self affirmation, and desires of lasting forever. It's a very "japanese" film who portrays everyday life and customs in Japan.
Tatsuo Matsumura as Professor Hyakken Uchida
Kyōko Kagawa as Professor's Wife
Hisashi Igawa as Takayama
George Tokoro as Amaki
Masayuki Yui as Kiriyama